Recent Posts
Attention Microsoft, Apple, Mozilla, and Opera – I’m starting to get a little tired of you…all of you. Some may pick on one of you more than the others (you know who you are, Microsoft), but realistically, you’re all bothering me a lot lately. You all want us, the web developers, to support your browser... […]
My buddy Adam Platti has been working on a stealth project over at Bebo for a while now, and today his work has officially launched. Check out Bebo Nation. Mashable!, the only other company that includes an exclamation point as part of their name, has a nice writeup about it. The basic idea is to... […]
It was a couple of days ago when I noticed something strange in my RSS reader: Dan Pupius had posted a blog entry. The entry was a simple sentence that pointed to his post on the Gmail blog about code changes that were being rolled out. I had the pleasure of speaking with Dan way... […]
Pipes is such a cool tool, but until recently I couldn’t think of any reason to use it. Since we had a 5.6 earthquake yesterday and another smaller one today, I went online searching for earthquake information feeds. I found the USGS Shakemap for northern California, which has a feed listed on the page. Unfortunately,... […]
There’s been a lot of discussion about ECMAScript 4 lately. The overview whitepaper was recently released as well (which I equate to little more than a public relations ploy). Those who were in my birds-of-a-feather discussion at the Rich Web Experience know of my utter disdain for ECMAScript 4, and nothing I’ve read thusfar has... […]
Just thought I’d post a note before anyone else asks me this question: why weren’t you at the Ajax Experience? I mean, especially since it was in Boston??? Both good questions. To answer the second one first, I live in California now, so it’s not like I can just pop over. To answer the first... […]
Every day it seems like I learn another difference between quirks and standards mode in Internet Explorer 6. For the longest time, I’ve operated under the (incorrect) belief that margin: 0 auto could not be used in IE6 to center something. As it turns out, this is only true in quirks mode. When in standards... […]
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately about the problems I repeatedly run into using JavaScript in browsers. While JavaScript has come a long way in terms of how we design and use it on the client, the way that browsers deal with JavaScript hasn’t changed fundamentally since Netscape 2.0 introduced it in the... […]
No seriously, hear me out on this one. The idea behind CSS is good: abstract away the presentation from the data. Theoretically, you can change the presentation without touching the underlying document structure just by editing CSS. The problem is that there are far too many gaps in what CSS can do. We’re told not... […]
Colleges spend years preaching the gospel of object-oriented programming to undergrads. Define classes. Use interfaces. Remember your design patterns. They tell us that these patterns apply to any object-oriented language. You can solve the same problem in Java or C++ or C# using the same techniques and the same code architecture, just trust in what... […]