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When I got home today, there was a large box from Wiley, the kind I usually get when I receive comp copies of the books I wrote. But I had already received all my copies of both books, so I was curious as to what was inside. I opened the box and found five copies... […]
Just when you thought it was safe to use Internet Explorer, the IE 7 Beta 2 Preview has just been released and can be downloaded. As with all other versions of IE, this one will eat up your current IE 6, never to be seen again until you uninstall IE 7 Beta. So it’s probably... […]
I don’t use Internet Explorer on a regular basis anymore, so I’ve missed some of the IE-specific functionality in Gmail. I was talking with my pal Brad, who pointed out that Gmail has a really cool function in IE: you click “Attach a File” and the Open File dialog pops up…no input element or anything!... […]
The moment of truth is upon us: you can now order Professional Ajax from Amazon! I’m hoping that everyone finds this a nice follow-up to Professional JavaScript (which is now in a second printing, by the way). The guys and I worked really hard trying to make this the best possible Ajax book we could... […]
We all know to avoid using the <b/> and <i/> tags. We’ve also been taught that the semantically correct versions to use are <strong/> and <em/>, respectively. But it seems like these two tags are now being used just like the previous two: when something should be bold, we use <strong/> and when something should... […]
Privacy concerns abound! The latest is the new Firefox ping attribute that can be placed on links. Essentially, using ping, you can specify a location that should be notified when the link is clicked, for tracking purposes. There was an immediate flurry of responses related to privacy concerns. “We don’t want you knowing what we’re... […]
Someone submitted a post to the P2P forum saying that one of my book examples is no longer working in Firefox 1.5. After some investigating, I made an interesting discovery. It seems that in Firefox 1.5, the keypress event behaves differently than in previous version. As I said in Professional JavaScript, the keypress event fires... […]
I recently came across a design that asked for colored bullets in a bullet list. One would think that there would be some sort of CSS property to allow such a thing. But alas, there isn’t. The bullets are always the color of the text. However, I refused to resort to using images for bullets... […]
I’m kind of shocked nowadays when I see anyone using the language="JavaScript" attribute on <script> tags. But I’ve noticed a disturbing trend recently: the user of language="JavaScript1.2" seems to be everywhere. For those who don’t remember, initially you specified the version of JavaScript in the language attribute. That was all fine and good, but the... […]
A while back, some of us were talking about how it would be possible to emulate the canvas element in Internet Explorer. Looks like Emil stepped up and figured out how to create Canvas in IE. Check it out, it’s pretty cool! […]